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Official Review of Another Chicken Story...

The following is the official review of "Another Chicken Story."

4 out of 4 stars.

Another Chicken Story: The Stranger Danger by Kenneth R. McClelland teaches children about the threat of being led away by someone who might not have their best interests at heart. It is an illustrated children’s book that is told completely in rhyme.

Doogie Duck tracks down clues and interviews various animals in an attempt to find his chicken friend who went missing that morning. While questioning Mr. Fox about the chicken’s disappearance, the sly animal invites Doogie Duck over for lunch and explains he would remember things more clearly at home. Seriously, would you trust a fox? As you might suspect, there is more to Mr. Fox than his friendly demeanor implies.

I thoroughly enjoyed this entertaining and educational book about the perils of going with a stranger, no matter how nice and friendly they seem. Children may not always pay attention when parents discuss the subject of “stranger danger.” However, a cute, rhyming story about animals might make the issue sink in.

The book is written in a casual, conversational style. The rhyming narrative consists of four lines in each stanza, with an AABB rhyme scheme. The writing has a nice rhythm and flow, with no awkward wording as is sometimes found in rhyming stories.

The author does an effective job of comparing a fox to human strangers who offer children candy or use a ruse to get kids to come along with them. There is an easy to understand warning for children that they shouldn’t assume that strangers are nice just because they appear to be. Realistic examples are provided, such as searching for a lost dog or telling a child their mother asked the person to drive them home.

The story is illustrated by James Tangal. Considering how integral artwork is to a children’s book, I think it would have been appropriate to include his name on the cover. Instead, I had to dig for his name and found it in a small font under the book design copyright on the copyright page. Mr. Tangal certainly deserves a special mention as the illustrations are vibrant and add depth to the narrative. It’s a nice touch that Doogie Duck is dressed in Sherlock Holmes-style attire. Also, Mr. Fox is drawn exactly as I pictured him - dapper in appearance with a whiff of something slimy behind his smile. To paraphrase a common quote about pigs, you can dress up a fox, but it’s still a fox.

This book easily deserves a rating of 4 out of 4 stars. It is a fun, educational read with a surprise twist. Suitable for children ages 3-8, parents and teachers would find it an excellent choice for story time. I would also recommend the book to children who are able to read beginner books at an intermediate level.


"I like the theme of this book, very helpful and obviously told not traditionally but rather in a way that would be enjoyed by kids. That is such a brilliant way to teach a serious lesson."

" entertaining story is a great way to teach children valuable lessons."

"It sounds like a great conversation starter for parents with young children."

"What a cute and creative way to teach children about stranger danger. It's so important, and I'm glad that there are good quality books that are accessible to children that discuss this topic."

"I feel that [it's] perfect for the kids to get such educative facts while rhyming it! fantastic."

"...I agree that children usually love stories that rhyme."

"Great work on a very worthwhile topic. Well done. Not easy to get important messages across to children but holding their attention during delivery is an art."

"I love stories that help break situations down to a level for children to understand."

"'s always great to find new books for them - especially those that teach a lesson."

"'s nice when a children's book is both enjoyable and educational, especially on an important subject such as stranger danger."

"This sounds like a really great book for kids to read. It's always great when fun books can have a serious message."

"It is exciting so see children's books that still have the ability to fascinate the adult mind. As a child, all the books with such lessons that I loved had a touch I could not describe."

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