A short video from Tate Publishing
This is a short video presentation my publisher made for the book... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxkxZsqOhg4 #abducted #kidnapped...
a bit of Feedback
* My daughter loved the poem and illustrations. It has a great story line and teaches a valuable lesson about stranger danger. This is a...
Another review of Another Chicken Story: The Stranger Danger
Doogie Duck is a detective duck. When asked why the chicken crossed the road, he wasn’t thinking about the riddle, but the actual chicken...
The Stranger Danger message is a controversial one for some.
The Stranger Danger message is a controversial one for some, and every so often I’ll come across an article or posting where someone is...
Official Review of Another Chicken Story...
The following is the official OnlineBookClub.org review of "Another Chicken Story." 4 out of 4 stars. Another Chicken Story: The Stranger...
To Have or Not To Have "The Talk."
"Another Chicken Story: The Stranger Danger," is a new resource meant to serve as an introduction to the stranger danger discussion...
Here's a sampling of what's in the book.
"..it looks like a feather, how’d that thing get there?” “Well gee I don’t know,’ said the Fox with a glare, ‘but maybe if we could go...
Press Release for: Another Chicken Story
ORLANDO, Fla. — Author Kenneth R. McClelland announces the nationwide release of his new children’s book, “Another Chicken Story: The...
Dr. Phil says: Teach Your Kids about ”Stranger Danger”
As scary as it may be, parents need to talk to their kids about people who might want to hurt them. The best way to protect your children...